Generate Core Pinning Charts

For A2, A3, & A4 Keying Systems

  • Select the Keying System Type.
  • Select the type of Cylinder or Core being pinned.
  • Input the Control key(s) for the system,

    separating Control keys by a comma (,).

  • Input all necessary Operating key(s) (Grand Master, Masters, Sub-masters, and Operating),

    separating each by a comma (,).

See example Inputs below based on Sample Code Sheet

A2 A3 A4

SFIC (Small Format Interchangeable)
LFIC (Large Format/Full Size) Schlage/Yale
LFIC (Large Format/Full Size) Corbin/Sargent
KIK (Key-In-Knob)


Pinning up new cores can present some complications but most can be figured out and worked through. If you run into any problems, we have a world class staff who would be happy to help. Please don’t hesitate to give our office a call and we will see what we can do.

Don’t see an answer to your question?

Oak Security has a full production department dedicated to customizing keying systems for customers, including pinning cores and cutting keys to your specific system, no matter the system type.

If you would like advice on your keying system, cores combinated, or keys cut for your keying system, we are here to help! Give our customer service team a call at (317)585-9830.

No. Each keying system utilizes specific pins as well as key cut depths in order to keep the systems secure from one another.
Every key that you expect to work in the core should be input into the calculator. You MUST have a CT and Operating at the very least. For Cross Key(X-Combination) cores, all keys that are expected to work should be added.
There are a plethora of reasons why this might be the case but having pins mixed throughout your pinning kit is the highest probability problem. Also, having keys that are aged inserted in cores that are new can periodically cause problems if the keys are severely worn.

If these possibilities are confirmed to be incorrect, there are a handful of other things that could be causing it. Don’t hesitate to give us a call, we would be happy to see how we can help troubleshoot with you!

In the situation where you are missing a pin, you absolutely cannot stack smaller pins to make it. (I.E. missing a 6 and stack a 4 and 2).

Doing so will create additional shear lines in the core, allowing unintended keys to potentially work the core. Never substitute pins in any way shape or form as it will always have consequences.

if you have it, we’ve seen it.

Need a solution? Oak is your resource.